Seminarii WEB
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*Necesita inregistrare in prealabil.
1) Fluorescenta:
- Fluorescence Instruments Tutorial
- Fluorescence Applications Tutorial
- FLIM-FRET Webinar
- Food Photonics Webinar
- Characterizing Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
2) Caracterizare particule*:
3) Spectrometrie Raman:
- Raman Spectroscopy for Proteins
- SERS Basics
- Electrodynamic Theory of Raman Effect
- Raman Spectroscopy for Molecular Electronics
- Raman Crystallography
4) SPRi:
5) Analizoare de gaz si izotopice:
- Introduction
- Induction Module
- Greenhouse Gases
- Super-Sensitive Gas Leak Technology
- Mobile Water Isotope Measurements
6) Spectrometrie:
7) Cabinete si hote de protectie biologica:
- Introduction
- Understanding the Biosafety Cabinet
- Proper Preparation
- Using Proper Procedures and Techniques
- Working in your Biological Safety Cabinet
- Experience Ergonomics
- When Work is Completed
- Maintenance & Certification
8) Procesare Wafer: